BRAINE Final Demo!

BRAINE Final Demo!

  • November 29, 2023
  • news
  • 244

It’s time for the BRAINE Final Demo at TUE! All BRAINE solutions up and running!

BRAINE EMDC (Edge Micro Data Center) up and running at TUE!!!

BRAINE EMDC (Edge Micro Data Center) up and running at TUE!!!

  • July 17, 2023
  • news
  • 277

The BRAINE-project EMDC (Edge Micro Data Center) are being deployed. In the picture, one of them located at Eindhoven University of Technology at Idelfonso Tafur Monroy’s lab. This EMDC shows an 8 slots monoblock, that can host 8 different units (i.e. CPU, FPGA, GPU, memory…) Please notice how compact the system is!

BRAINE highlighted by the AIOTI WG

BRAINE highlighted by the AIOTI WG

  • March 29, 2023
  • news
  • 281

The AIOTI WG Standardisation has recently released its report on “IoT and Edge Computing EU funded projects landscape” where our BRAINE project is highlighted:  

BRAINE at the Italian Internet Festival

  • October 10, 2022
  • news
  • 293

Broad dissemination is part of a wider valorisation strategy for the BRAINE results. The BRAINE Project is present at the Italian Internet Festival